Wooden floor cleaning
The wooden floor needs regular cleaning. There are three stages: sweep, dry mop, and damp mop.
74 completion certificate
Completion certificate for building works received from City Building Control 21/02/2024
Rainwater Harvesting
Overview The rainwater harvesting system feeds toilets and a tap in the utility room by gravity from the 100L rainwater header tank in the attic. The washing machine also currently uses rainwater for its cold feed. When the level in the header tank drops, a sensor tells the controller to open the valve from the…
Wooden worktop cleaning
How to clean and protect the wooden kitchen worktop
72 completion certificate
Completion certificate for building works received from City Building Control 21/02/2024
Structure of this site
Posts about the newly renovated houses 72 and 74 Foster Road are organised into three disjoint categories: The intent is that you can see everything relating to no. 72 by selecting both categories 7x & 72. And you can see everything relating to no. 74 by selecting categories 7x & 74. You could generate standalone…